Wednesday 15 July 2020

Zakir Diary - Thadhiginathom: Part 12

The skies sing lullaby

Fine arts are the reflection of an advanced, well established, and cultured society. After gaining self-sufficiency in the basic needs of food, clothing, and shelter, communities all over the world have expressed their yearning for artistry through music, paintings, sculptures, dance, and literature and recorded it in history as their culture. This is the reason why during periods of instability brought on by war and other emergencies, persons who practice fine arts are greatly affected.

A woman emerged asking, "Who is it? What is it that you want?" She must have been a maid in the house.
"Is this not Chitra madam's house?"
"I have come from Salem. I need to see madam."

Read more in the site

1 comment:

  1. Its so nice to go down memeory lane..When Zakir came to visit akka in Chennai it was just after Chitra akkas mother Rukku aunty had just passed away. It was me who opened the door for you. Another very vivid memory from that day is Viswesh uncle, in his usual magnanimous nature, asked me to bring a veesti for Zakir from his cupboard.. So blessed to have been and continue to be part of that Gurukulam Sukanya Ravindhar
