Sunday 4 August 2024

Article - Drawing parallels between Taylor Swift's Eras Tour and Bharatanatyam - Prakruthi Kolay

Classical dancers: Time to be Fearless!
Classical dancers, it's time for a reality check! When was the last time you performed for 3 ½ hours in a dance festival? Today, normally at Bharatanatyam dance festivals, each dancer gets a maximum of 1 ½ hours. This time slot usually includes the Pushpanjali, varnam, padam (or javali), and thillana, followed by Mangalam. Sometimes, performances are even shorter, reduced to an hour or just 45 minutes to fit more dancers into an evening's lineup - a strategy driven by money hungry organisers.

In contrast, consider Taylor Swift's performances. She gives a full-length concert equivalent to a Sampoorna Margam daily. She not only sings, plays the guitar and piano, but also changes costumes, interacts with hundreds of thousands of audiences, and writes her own songs. Classical dancers could benefit from adopting some of her rigorous routines to truly excel rather than settling for mediocrity. She's truly a MASTERMIND. 

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