Saturday 29 June 2024

Tribute - A tribute to Kamala on her 90th birthday on 16th June 2024 - Gayathri Keshavan

Kamala and Bharatanatyam are inseparable words right from the year 1940, spanning the dance world for many decades. She was popular as Baby Kamala…later as Kumari Kamala, then famous as Kamala Lakshman….thereafter Smt. Kamala. During my childhood days and as I grew up to be a young dancer, my role model for admiration and inspiration was Kamala, the enchanting dancer. 

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  1. Namaste ma'am,

    I would like to express my sincere gratitude for sharing this informative article with us. It serves as a valuable resource for both dancers and artists, and it is truly wonderful to learn more about the legacy you have carried forward.

    In particular, I found the information about international narthakis, nattuvanar, and singers to be especially captivating and insightful.

    I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to learn from an esteemed acharya such as yourself. Your write-up is truly excellent, ma'am.

    Thank you once again, ma'am. 🙏

  2. i read your article it is excellent im very proud to be your friend, Congratulations to you and all the best 💐💐👏👏👌👌
