Sunday 29 October 2023

Article - Keeping the fire - Shereen Saif

A seductress, a silly dancer, a teenager insane with grief, a terrified night watchman, an angry fisherwoman, a criminal getting rid of a rotting corpse...
While this may sound like the makings of a Netflix thriller, these characters were some of the many that lived through the actors-in-training at the most recent Navarasa Sadhana residency this October at Natanakairali. 5 artistes from Mumbai, Hosur, Delhi and Dubai immersed in Phase 4 of the programme under the watchful eyes of G. Venu, one of India's foremost abhinaya gurus and the mastermind behind Navarasa Sadhana.

For a fortnight, the abhinaya kalari came alive with the beat of the kutti mingled with a multitude of emotions. In the evenings, the motley crew descended into town to savour the sights, sounds, smells, tastes and textures. The mind and the five senses on overdrive through the day. 

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1 comment:

  1. Lovely article. Thank you. So much to learn, so much to explore...
    Lavanya Prassd.
