Thursday, 15 October 2015

Obit/Tribute - Sudarshan Dheer - Dr. Sunil Kothari

Kathak dancer Sudarshan Dheer hailed from Punjab and settled in Mumbai and later in the UK, teaching in far off places like London, Slough and Glasgow. He took lessons in Kathak from Ashiq Hussain in Benaras Gharana and also from Hazarilal, husband of Sunayana Hazarilal, who taught Kathak at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan in Mumbai. He also worked with Gopi Krishna for a while in Mumbai.

Read the tribute in the site


  1. very sad to have read regarding the passing of Guruji. I was very fortunate to have been taught by him at the London Bhavan. remember those days with great fondness. RRP Guruji love indira

  2. My very first Guru under whom I took my first steps in Kathak.

  3. Very sad to learn of Guruji's demise. I learnt Kathak under him in Mumbai as a schoolgirl in the mid- 60s. He passed on his love for Kathak to us all, even as he meticulously corrected our steps and hand movements. Can never forget the energy he infused into the dance form; continue to learn and dance Kathak to this day, thanks to Guruji!

  4. Feel bad to heard that he is no more Bt his art is alive in our heart he is one of my favourite male Kathak dancer who present Kathak with male grace naman Sudarshan sir🌹🌹
