Thursday 22 December 2022

RASA - Dance Matters: Column by Ashish Mohan Khokar

RASA: Ravi, Aditi, Shama and Ananya. That's R.A.S.A. That was the highlight for the end of the year in namma Bengaluru, a city away from the power and pelf of other metros, arrogance or aplomb of seasonal culture activities of other cities. Bengaluru is a year-around cultural destination, with something going on every week and every month. And not just dance but books festival, music, theatre, fashion, food and aero shows as well. Add, a city where ten months in a year the temperature remains around 25C with little or no necessity for an AC and one lives in heaven. No winter, no summer, just rain. When one comes down from this heaven to earth, then one has to deal with bad roads and bad civic facilities. Since my blood group is B positive, I mostly am! So, I look for and find that my glass is mostly half full. 

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1 comment:

  1. Ashishji has written with pure Bhakti as it runs in his blood and the script takes us to Adobe of God with bhakti Rasa. Thanks and Grateful to all involved in compiling this.Om Sai Ram
